McElroy Certified Fusion Technicians & Training
High Country Fusion has the manpower you need.
We stand ready to deploy a team of on-site Certified Fusion Technicians to work on your HDPE project and even train your staff on operating Fusion machines. If you prefer not keeping a full-time fusion technician on staff, our certified technicians can save you time and money by speeding up production and eliminating down time. There are very few out there who have fused more HDPE pipe than High Country Fusion. If you are looking for a partner to train your staff on the use of McElroy Fusion Equipment, look no further than High Country Fusion.
HCFC employs McElroy certified trainers with decades of experience using the latest McElroy equipment. Fusion Training can be one-on-one or with multiple students at once. We offer training for all types of fusion equipment from small diameter, to ultra-large diameter machines and everywhere in between. Classes may be taught at one of our locations throughout the US or on-site at your facility or project location. Contact our team today to learn more about McElroy Fusion Machine training services.
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